Handy Jade Facial Massager

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Product Details

Remove fine lines and wrinkles to achieve the youthful skin by massaging once a day with Handy Jade Facial Massager.

The facial massager made of Jade reacts fast with the temperature and stays cool as well as hot for long, lasting till the massage ends. Use this roller to massage your face and eyes.

Only 10-15 minutes of daily massage will bring the hidden beauty of your skin to surface. This massager will help in absorption of cream to every pore of your face.

Gently massage it in upward direction if massaging your face and use the bigger roller for face and smaller one for the eyes. Roll over your eyes in the clockwise direction.

The touch should be gentle yet firm. You would feel your muscles relaxing while you go through every inch of your face and neck. Put the handy Jade Facial Massager into hot water before massaging with cream.

It will help open the pores. Once you are done, refrigerate it for couple of minutes and again massage without cream to shrink the pores back to their normal size.

Remember to check the temperature of the facial massager before touching it to your facial skin. It should not be too hot or too cold. Wash it before and after every use.


